Monday 2 April 2012

Web Logs and Social Networking
Web logs, commonly called blogs, have become ver popular in the recent years. they are websites that are created by an individual to tell others, who are interested, about their lives. they are very popular, especially with celebrities and other well known people, who are keen to keep their fans interested in their work.

Social Networking sites are also ways of keeping in touch with friends and they also offer the opportunity to meet new people. Social Networking sites are not without their problems and critics and they need to be used with care.

What is a web log?
A web log is a website providing commentary, personal thoughts or news on a particular subject. They can include text, images, and links to other blogs and websites.
  • Blogs enable other people to comments on the material posted and often this means that these comments are vetted or moderated by the owner of the blog.
  • Blogs can be created quickly by anyone with an Internet connection.
  • Blogs can be considered as online journals.
The use of web logs. . .
Blogs are used by anyone who wants to get a message across. there are blogs about all sorts of things but the most popukar ones are:
  • personal online diaries- lets people know what you are up to
  • News- this can be the news from ordinary people or from proffesional journalists
  • Entertainment- here you can post information about good and bad conserts, films, books etc.
  • Food- here poeple can let others know about good and bad restaurants they have been to, exchange recepies etc.
  • Politics- Many politicians have their own blogs. Here you can let them know whether they are doing a good job or not.
The use of Social Networking
Social Networking is a very popular use of computers connected to the main internet. Here are some of the main social networking sites:
  • Facebook
  • MySpace
  • Bebo
  • Twitter
Advantages and Disadvantages of Web Logs and Social Networking Sites

  • Helps build online communities- this is important if you are lonely, disabled etc.
  • Allows you to make friends, with friends of your friends.
  • Useful place for expressing your opinions on matters.
  • Allows you to find out what your friends and family are up to.
  • useful place to exchange photographs with other family members and friends.
  • Students can access blogs so that they can chat about their learning and help each other.
  • Your image mught be posted on an inappropriate website.
  • Paedophiles use blogs and social networking sites to obtain emages.
  • Your image may be edited using editing software.
  • You may be identified from your image even though there are no other contact details.
  • You may encounter stalkers or be pestered by emails, or worse still they may find where you live and your phone numbers.
  • Employers sometimes look at profiles of job applicants on social networking sites to see if they are siutable for a job.
  • Addiction to Social Networking sites.
  • Social Networking Sites get users to reveal lots of personal information about them selves and their friends, which is an invasion of privacy.

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