Monday 2 April 2012

Computer Misuse Act and Copyright and Patents Act
The Computer Misuse Act 1990 was passed tp deal with a number of misuses as the use of computers became widespread. The Computer Misuse Act makes it an offence to:
  • deliberatley plant or transfer viruses to a computer system to cause damage to programs and data
  • use an organisation's computer to carry out unauthorized work
  • hack into someone else's computer system with a view to seeing the information or altering it
  • use computers to commit various frauds

Copyright and Patents Act
Many people spend a lot of time and money creating original work such as a piece of music, a picture, a pice of software, a photograph, a newspaper article. etc Many of these people do it for a living, so it is only fair that their work should not be copied without permission.
The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 protects intellectual property from being copied such as:
  • software
  • text
  • a new innovative human computer interface
  • hardware
  • books, and manuals
  • images on websites
Here are some actions that are illegal:
  • Copying software and music illegally
  • copying text or images without permission
  • copying sections of websites without permission
  • sharing digital music illegally using peer-to-peer file sharinf software
  • running more copies of software than is allowed by the site licence

Data Protection Act- is a law that resricts the way personal information is stored and processed on a computer.

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